History of Kerala Catholic Association
Kerala Catholic Association was formed in I970
Formation of KCA
Kerala Catholic Association (KCA), established in 1970, stands on the bedrock of experiences treasured by its dedicated and committed members who shared them for the benefit of KCA. The heart and soul put into the philanthropical activities by the members is highly appreciated far and wide. With a Catholic touch given to all its socio-cultural and charitable activities, KCA catapulted into glory upholding the values of discipline, dedication and commitment, winning the accolades of intellectuals, affection of statemen and applause of spiritual leaders.
The concept of KCA took birth in the social gatherings held at Sacred Heart Church, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain, which promoted the fellowship among the Kerala Catholics. The journey of 50 years commenced with the formation of the first Executive Committee and continued its journey together with many Executive Committees elected in the Annual General Meetings. KCA cherishes a unique mutual trust, single-minded devotion, and profound sense of gratitude among its members. This keeps the name of KCA elegantly in lofty places as one of the best expatriate associations in the socio cultural and charitable front in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
KCA continues its journey with dedication and commitment from its members who are instrumental in bringing about cohesion in the community, manifesting the talents of the youth and grooming the future generation with leadership skills. KCA reaches out to the less fortunate, the differently abled and the needy, thus enhancing the social values like compassion, empathy and mutual understanding. KCA shows the way holding the hands of future generation, taking them to the real world and rendering the humanitarian services. KCA expresses its immense gratitude for what it has received from the community. KCA stands out as ‘a home away from home’ for thousands of its members
Concept of KCA
The tradition of St. Thomas Christians in Kerala, one of the earliest Christian communities in the world, is as old as AD 52 the year in which St. Thomas, one of the twelve apostles of Lord Jesus Christ, arrived at Kodungallur, Kerala. He baptized many families. In this way, an indigenous church was formed by the believers in St. Thomas. They are called St. Thomas Christians. Even though Kerala Catholics voyaged and resided in Bahrain, they remained steadfast to their faith attending Holy Mass on every Friday and Sunday at the Sacred Heart Church. As social clubs and associations had not come into existence in Bahrain in those days, Sacred Heart Church provided a place to Catholics for social gatherings and fellowship. It was an opportunity for Kerala Catholic community to meet and know each other. In these gatherings, the idea of forming an association sprouted. Once the idea was born, it was shared among the like-minded Catholics. The idea of exclusive premises for the association instilled confidence in everyone. The cultural and social needs created a collective awareness which motivated them to pursue a greater understanding and fruitful cooperation. The initial purpose was to get together on special occasions like celebrating Christmas, New Year and Easter. Those like-minded Kerala Catholics, the pioneering members of the association, formed Kerala Catholic Association in 1970.
The Founder Members were:
Prof. P. S. Abraham, Puthenkalam, Kumarakom
Mr. John Cruz, Rose House, Shangumukhom, Trivandrum
Late Mr. Francis Joseph, Rose House, Shangumukhom, Trivandrum
Mr. Antony Payyappally, Angamaly
Foundation of KCA
The founder members had many deliberations on the idea before calling for a wide spread awareness campaign among the Kerala Catholics residing in Bahrain. Meanwhile, with the help of late Mr. J T Govias, a draft constitution was prepared and bye-laws were also drawn out for the approval of the General Body for the Association. All the Catholics were members of KCA. However, only those who paid annual subscription of BD 1/- were eligible to vote and hold positions in the Executive Committee. As a result of the campaign, a formal General Body Meeting was convened for the first time in a residence situated near Police Fort. It was at this General Body Meeting the constitution was adopted and Kerala Catholic Association was formally founded.
To bring up the new born association and organize the activities of KCA, the General Body elected the first Executive committee for a term of two years. Initially, the norm of the General Body was to elect Hon. President and Hon. General Secretary who then co-opted rest of the Hon. Members for the Executive Committee. In accordance with the above norm, the first Executive Committee of KCA came into existence as follows:
Hon. President – Prof. PS Abraham
Hon. Vice President – Mr. TV Varghese
Hon. General Secretary – Mr. V John Cruz
Hon. Joint Secretary – Mr. Antony Payyapilly
Hon. Treasurer – Mr. P V Mathews
Hon. Member – Mr. Francis Joseph
Hon. Member – Mr. J T Govias
Hon. Member – Mr. F M Francis
Hon. Member – Ms. Thresiamma Joseph
Hon. Member – Ms. Thresiamma Mathai
The blessings and guidance of the Sacred Heart Church Parish Priests enlightened the members to grow spiritually in God’s wisdom, encouraged them to participate in church activities and strengthened them in Christian faith. KCA had functioned for over two decades from St. Barth’s Hall, when KCA still keep a good relationship with the Parish Priests.
For the many years that followed, Mr. John Cruz was the animator and mentor of KCA dedicating himself as the member of Sacred Heart Church. He was the General Secretary of KCA for the first three years and President of KCA for several terms.
Many other prominent members had earnestly rendered their philanthropical services to KCA. Their contributions weaved the strands of unity amongst the members and nurtured KCA. Mr. Raphael Cherussery, Mr. V C Das, Mr. PP Joseph, Mr. Zacharia Joseph, Mr. Lanen George, Mr. John Kurian, and Mr. C J Simon were among them.
Re-Registration of KCA
In 1991, the Ministry of Labor and Social affairs, Bahrain made it obligatory for all Clubs and Associations to re-register in the Ministry. The General body held during the year authorized the Executive committee to obtain the necessary re-registration. With the blessings from the church authorities, KCA submitted the application for re-registration. The then President Mr. Mathew Sebastian took the initiative to submit the relevant documents after meticulous scrutiny. Mr. Jose V. Kurisinkal was involved as instructed by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.
The Executive Committee during the re registration of KCA was:
Mr. Mathew Sebastian – Hon. President
Mr. P. C. Abraham – Hon. Vice-President
Mr. Mathew K. Thomas – Hon. General Secretary
Mr. A. S. Jose – Hon. Asst. Secretary
Mr. T. S. Mathew – Hon. Treasurer
Mr. Mathew Chalil – Hon. Member
Mr. Baby Joseph – Hon. Member
Mr. Benny Joseph – Hon. Member
Mr. Sunny Joseph – Hon. Member
Mrs. Lalamma Philip – Hon. Member
Mrs. Alphonsa Xavier – Hon. Member
Mr. Jose V. Kurisinkal – Auditor
The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs issued no re-registration for a long time. Prof. P. S. Abraham revived the re-registration efforts. Mr. Mathew Chalil (former KCA Executive Committee member and the then President of Bahrain Keraleeya Samajam) followed up.
Late Mr. Francis Joseph played a pivotal role and it became fruitful. The follow up of late Mr. Francis Joseph with the Ministry authorities helped KCA get the name re-registered and made the long-cherished dream come true. During the Christmas and New Year get together at St. Barth’s Hall in 1992, the then President Mr. Mathew Sebastian formally informed the members that KCA was accorded with the official re-registration.
Re-plantation of KCA
The approval by the Ministry of Labor and Social affairs for KCA as a registered association redefined its boundaries and made it search for its own premises. Since the functioning of a registered association could not be continued in Sacred Heart Church premises, Rev. Fr. Felicio Diniz instructed the office bearers of KCA to search for another premises. As a result of intense search for a year and six months, the then General Secretary, Mr. Abraham John was instrumental in finding the villa in Segaya where KCA is situated now.
Going down memory lane, KCA members were enthused to have its own premises and the Association was rejuvenated by the efforts of a bunch of persistent and determined members led by late Mr. Francis Joseph. Even though the efforts were mammoth, the noble idea of ‘Nurturing the Identity’ propelled the Association. It aroused an indomitable spirit amongst the Kerala Catholics and many came forward with dedication and commitment.
Late Mr. Francis Joseph, Mr. Baby Joseph, Mr. Abraham John, Mr. Sebastian Mappilassery, Mr. Sebastian Manjaly, Mr. Jose Fernandez, Mr. T. S. Mathew, Mr. Tomy Xavier, Mr. Joy Thottakath, and Mr. Dhas Alphonse took initiative to opt for the present villa as the premises of KCA at Segaya. Initial estimate was approximately BD 50,000 and each one offered a salary of one month. Late Mr. Francis Joseph voluntarily contributed the balance of BD 25,000.
Mr. P. P. Chackunny, Mr. A. S. Jose, Mr. Jose Kurisinkal, Mr. K. 0. Davies, Mr. K. S. John, Mr. P. C. Abraham, Mr. M. M. Jose, Mr. K. K. Jose and Mr. Thottiyan K. Jose encouraged the veterans.
The historic opening of new premises in 1993 was a time of grand celebration for the members. Everyone thanked God Almighty for the benevolence of the ruling family and the blessings of the spiritual leaders of our parish KCA had. The Sacred Heart Church Parish Priest Very Rev. Fr. Felicia Diniz blessed the new premises of KCA and H. E. Shaikh Daij Al Khalifa inaugurated it by lighting the traditional lamp. It was a milestone on the long journey ahead.
The first Executive Committee to take up the mission to develop it into a full-fledged association after the opening of the new premises was:
Mr. Francis Joseph – Hon. President
Late Mr. Jose L. Fernandez – Hon. Vice President
Mr. Abraham John – Hon. General Secretary
Mr. Sebastian Manjaly – Hon. Asst. Gen. Secretary
Mr. Baby Joseph Kattady – Hon. Treasurer
Mr. Mathew Thoppil – Hon. Asst. Treasurer
Mr. Sebastian Manjaliy – Hon. Lounge Secretary
Mr. Sebastian Mapilassery – Hon. Entertainment Secretary
Mr. Joy Thottakath – Hon. Sports Secretary
Mr. Dhas Alphonse – Hon. Member/ Vice President
Mr. Tomy Xavier – Hon. Member
Sub-committees of volunteers were formed to visit individual houses to encourage Catholics to become members of KCA and the result was an overwhelming response.
Many Catholics came forward to improve KCA facilities at the new premises. They made generous contributions in cash and kind. It was like little drops of water and little grains of sand that make the mighty ocean. A few names from the long list of contributors deserve to be treasured in the history of KCA. They are Mr. T. K. Jose, Mr. K. S. John, Mr. Peter Paily, Mr. Sebastian Joseph, and Mr. Sebastian Paul. There are many more whom KCA value very highly.
Having relocated to the new premises in 1989, KCA had the initial setbacks like lack of funds and it had become the sole responsibility of the Executive committee to improve the facilities, undertake charity and survive. Various subcommittees, individuals and well wishers extended their valued support during the journey of KCA.
KCA Renovation
In 2002, the crumbling and shabby building of KCA received a face-lift and after the renovation, it had a pristine look. Immense gratitude to the then President, Mr. Varghese Karakkal for his innovative idea and dedication to KCA. The optimistic outlook of Mr. Varghese Karakkal brought in the support of many prominent members like Mr. Francis Joseph, Mr. Augustine Joseph, Mr. Johny Koithara, Mr. M T Joseph, Mr. Joseph Sebastian and many others who showed similar enthusiasm towards KCA.
Subcommittees and Activities of KCA
Events and Subcommittees of KCA in Past Years
Musical concert of Padma Shri Dr. K. J. Yesudas
Aiming at extensive charity projects, KCA took a bold step of fund-raising by conducting a two-day musical concert of Padma Shri Dr. K. J. Yesudas at Al Ahli stadium, Zinj in 1994.
The stadium was fully packed on both days; the crowd was enthralled by the musical grandeur and the coordination of the event by KCA members was simply exemplary. The sense of belongingness, dedication and commitment of all members especially that of Mr. T. K. Jose, Mr. K. K. Jose, Mr. Jose Jacob, Mr. V. J. Sebastian, Mr. K. J. Scaria and many others rendered a sense of achievement to KCA and further elevated its fame and recognition. KCA remembers the sound engineer and KCA member, Mr. Jose Francis Maniamkott for his marvelous light and sound effects given to the program and his continuous support to KCA.
Ladies wing
Many KCA lady members came to lime light, dedicated themselves to serve the community through Ladies wing. The prominent lady members who served as Conveners of the Ladies wing and shone magnificently like jewels were Mrs. Nirmala Jose Arangath, Mrs. Molly Chackunny Perappadan, Mrs. Annie Thomas Kolenchery, Mrs. Monica Thomas Vallikalam and Mrs. Alicia Devassy Panjikkaran.
Maundy Thursday celebration
The traditional custom of reading ‘PAANA’ and celebrating Maundy Thursday are being continued at KCA with lady members bringing the traditional milk and unleavened bread to be shared with all members attending.
Malayalam Classes
To promote Malayalam and encourage the younger generation to read and write their mother tongue, KCA lady members took Malayalam Classes for a brief period. The honorary services of teachers, Mrs. Monica Thomas Vallikalam, Mrs. Annie Paulose Pallippadan and Mrs. Graisamma Mathew Nangachiveettil are highly appreciated.
Dance Classes
To bring the artistic talents of member’s children to perfection, the dance classes conducted by Mrs. Lalamma Philip Chemmachel is gratefully remembered here.
Cultural Evening with Dinner
The members of the ladies wing proudly organized many entertaining cultural programs in the evenings with dinner.
Children’s Wing
Focusing on the promises of future and the foundation of a responsible society, KCA forged ahead with many talent-development programs for the member’s children through Children’s wing. Their talents were given ample opportunities of manifestation and were showcased on various occasions proudly. As a result, their confidence, capability and capacity were positively reinforced.
The conveners of Children’s wing were of service to the Executive committee from time to time. The familiar and well-known names that echo in KCA yards are Teena Joy Thottakath, Ajith Joseph Thundiyil, Roshini Dominic Adukanil, Nidhi Abraham Puthenkalam, Jerrin Joseph Manaveli, Merlin Enmmanuel Nerevettil and Divya Peter Parayadathil.
Birthday celebrations
One of the prominent programs of Children’s wing was birthday celebrations of KCA member’s children.
Honoring children
From time to time, the committee and the parents took it as their privilege to congratulate and honor the children who received Holy Communion, Confirmation and those who excelled 10th and 12th Exams.
Karate Classes
Karate Classes were introduced for KCA children in 1996 and are continuing in full swing under two Karate masters.
Christmas and New Year celebrations
Christmas Carol songs, Christmas Tree function and Santa Claus’ visit distributing gifts to children at KCA premises were much welcomed and admired by the members.
It is the tradition of KCA members and their families to celebrate Christmas and New Year at a fabulous venue in a glittering style with a variety of cultural programs and dinner.
December 31st celebrations to bid farewell to the old year and welcome new year to KCA were introduced in 2002 and the family members were full of praises for such event.
International Fair 1996
It is not an exaggeration to say that KCA has a bank of exceptional talents to pioneer many innovative projects, which lead to the development of many social organizations. One of such shows was organized by KCA at Andalus Garden in 1996. The crowd present still reminisces the memories of the past talking very highly about that exuberant fair.
Ragalayam 1998
Inspired by the success of the program at Andalus Garden, KCA organizers were enthusiastic about conducting such programs at KCA premises. In 1998, under the leadership of Mr. P. P. Chackunny, KCA conducted Ragalayam-98 which pulled a crowd of around 2000 spectators.
International Fair 1998
Encouraged by the success of KCA programs, the former president Mr. P. P. Chackunny organized another fund raiser in Andalus Garden with an array of entertainments. With the display of talents by the local artists from various clubs, it turned out to be a huge land mark on the cultural map of social clubs. The avid and vivacious involvement of all KCA members, especially that of Joy Thottakath and Augustine Joseph Mookenthottam was akin to the great harmony existed in KCA.
Tribute to HH Shaikh Isa
In 1999, Bahrain lost its visionary ruler and Father of the nation His Highness, the Amir Shaikh Isa Bin Salman Al Khalifa. The whole country mourned the demise and all social clubs and associations. suspended their activities for two months to pay their tribute to the much-loved ruler. The sorrow turned into jubilation as the Crown Prince Shaikh Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa ascended to the throne of King rendering the status of Kingdom and announced his visions for the progressive development of the State.
It was with profound happiness and intense joy, Catholics all around the world especially those in Bahrain learnt that during a European tour, HH the Amir Shaikh Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa made a historic audience with the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, during which His Highness invited Holy Father to visit Bahrain. In the history of Bahrain, the year 2002 would be marked with great significance as the year witnessed the ascension of HH the Amir to the throne of His Majesty the King and the declaration of the Kingdom of Bahrain.
Celebration of National Festivals
Independence Day is celebrated to remember the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the freedom of mother India by hoisting the Indian tri-color flag. Republic Day is celebrated to mark the day when India became a Republic by unfurling the Indian tri-color flag. On these occasions, KCA members show their patriotism and loyalty to mother India by gathering on the early hours of the day at the premises to celebrate these solemn occasions. Members sing national anthem of India, salute the Indian flag and listen to the address of the KCA president who delivers his message on the value of independence.
Celebration of Kerala Festivals
The harvest festival of Kerala, Onam is celebrated to mark the customary visit of the legendary King Mahabali. It is celebrated in grand style with KCA members and their families attired in traditional dresses, hosting the Indian Ambassador, dignitaries from the clubs and associations, KCA friends, philanthropists and benefactors. KCA Onasadhya, served on plantain leaves, has always been well received and highly appreciated for its quality and the hospitality which reminisces the traditional style of Onam celebration. It leaves behind some sweet memories for the members especially the children.
Kerala Piravi
Every year, the first day of November marks the formation day of Kerala state and is celebrated as its birthday. KCA members take the opportunity to cherish the rich heritage and culture of Kerala with a sense of belonging to the land of coconut trees and the significance of safeguarding Malayalam, our mother tongue. Almost everyone feels nostalgic as the ambience of the premises turns into a festival ground with thattukada, kilukkikoothu, hastharekhashastram, cycle yanjam, horoscope, Naalumkoodiyamukku etc.
Members Night
Another feature of KCA that won wide appreciation is the regular Members night and weekend entertainment programs conducted for the members where prizes are given out to encourage more members participation.
Wedding Anniversary Celebration
KCA always cherished family values and in 2001 Mr. Sevi Mathunny Maliakkal ‘s laudable idea of honouring the Wedding Anniversary Celebrants took off and is an ongoing programme of KCA.
Malayalam Prasangavedhi
Malayalam Prasangavedhi was formed in 1996 to safeguard the fluency of public speaking in Malayalam. The opening of a platform to bring to light the potentials of oratory skills hidden in KCA members was yet another milestone. Veteran members like Mr. K M Thomas, Mr. Mathew Chalil and Mr. Varghese Karakkal took the initiative to start the Speakers Forum. The dedication and commitment of Mr. K M Thomas to Malayalam Prasangavedhi in KCA is commendable. Malayalam Prasangavedhi met fortnightly and conducted public speaking session regularly other than organizing debates, symposiums and seminars on the occasions of Independence Day, Republic Day, Kerala Piravi etc.
Library Facility
KCA library came into existence as a result of the initiative taken by AS Jose, Mathew Chaiii, Varghese Karakkal, Smt. Annie Thomas and many outstanding personalities to provide the satisfaction and pleasures of reading books. Many books and reference books were collected and donated to the library which fulfill the unquenchable thirst of the readers. KCA Library had a rich collection of books in various languages and genres.
KCA Toastmasters Club
KCA Toastmasters Club was chartered at the dawn of 2000 with Registration No. U-6404, and was affiliated to Toastmasters International, USA. With its inauguration, former KCA president and veteran Toastmaster ATM A S Jose Arangath’s dream came to fruition. His commitment and determination to charter KCA Toastmasters won accolades as it benefitted many in their professional and public services. Many members became fearless ringmasters of words with competent communicative acumen. Scores of KCA members joined the echelon of prominent public figures and upheld the name of KCA in social circles. Many novices turned out to be eloquent speakers with their regular participation in interclub debates, workshops, forums etc.
Youth Leadership Programs
Youth Leadership Programs (YLP), conducted by Toastmasters for the benefit of the children during summer holidays (July-August), has become an annual event in KCA. Many young orators were able to realize their capabilities in communication and were impeccably groomed to flawless communicators. The dedicated services of ATM AS Jose, ATM Jose Thomas, ATM Ponnuchamy, TM Joseph Lukose and TM MT Joseph were noteworthy in achieving the goals of Youth Leadership Programs.
Sports and Games
Aiming high at the physical and sportsman well-being of the members, sports enthusiasts of the Executive Committee promoted the members’ interests in sports and games and facilitated many opportunities for the players to sharpen their skills by organizing various tournaments and competitions.
Family Sports Day
Executive Committee has made all efforts to provide a good time to the members and their families by engaging them in sports activities. One of such occasions was family sports day which was organized every year exclusively for family sports with various sports and games.
In 1993, Executive Committee opened a new pathway in the expatriate world of sports in the Kingdom by organizing a Volley Ball tournament which turned out to be the flagship expatriate volleyball tournament on the island which took KCA name to new heights amongst the Sports enthusiasts.
In 1997, Baby Joseph Kattady donated a Rolling Trophy in memory of his late brother Aloysius Kattady who had passed away in Bahrain.
KCA members, who enthusiastically developed and sustained an excellent volleyball team that was capable of taking on any expatriate team on the island, were Thomas K. Joseph, KT Pauly, KP Jose, Roy Joseph, Raison Mathew, Regi Mathew, Shiju John, Thomas Abraham, Prasad Chacko, Renji Mathew, John Abraham and Mathew George. KCA Volleyball team consists of many talented players and excel in many expatriate open tournaments.
Shuttle Badminton Team
Besides volleyball, KCA badminton facility was popular among the shuttle badminton players. KCA left no stone unturned to cater to the needs of shuttle badminton players.
In 2001, under the presidentship of P C Abraham, KCA reinstated the shuttle badminton tournament and Abraham John kindly donated a Rolling Trophy in loving memory of his late brother Achankunju Chamathayil who had passed away in 10 March 2000 in Bahrain. This tournament was inaugurated by Rev. Fr. Dr. Abraham Kakkanattu.
Well-known shuttle badminton players who put on jersey for KCA were TT Jose, Ajimon M Edakkara, V M George, Jaijo George, Jose Daniel, Molly Joseph, Suresh K. and Rajesh play in KCA jersey.
Cricket and Football Team
Cricket lovers have been captivated by the rare and superb performance of KCA cricketers Biffi Varghese, Prinson Jose, Biju Joseph, Jerry Paul, Sudhish Chacko, Nelson TV, Sony Vijayan, Vikas Varghese and Jacob who regularly participated in Inter-club Cricket tournaments and kept KCA name high.
KCA’s Pivotal Role in Soorya Programs
Soorya Stage and Film Society is the brainchild of Soorya Krishnamoorthy, a former senior scientist of Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), who took voluntary retirement from the organization to dedicate life to his predominant passion of art and culture. He founded the Soorya – the largest cultural organization of its kind in South East Asia, which is a conduit of disseminating cultural knowledge and classical art forms of India and Bahrain with an objective to foster Inda-Bahrain cultural ties.
The chapter is part of a world-wide network of 14 organizations which co-ordinate shows and use the resources of the parent organization to bring together great personalities in the world of Indian classical arts for audiences in different countries. “Integration through Art” and “Affordable Art” are the two mottos and to this end, Kerala Catholic Association is proud to have associated with Soorya Bahrain Chapter to uphold these values. KCA Soorya has presented over 100 Artists in Bahrain over the two years and staged several programs. One of the remarkable events was on 17 February 2001 when KCA joined hands with Soorya to make a contribution to community relief after the Gujarat earthquake in 2001. It raised a record amount of funds through a classical dance show by actress Sukanya Ramesh, Kathak maestro Pandit Rajinder Gangani and Mohini Aatam Danseuse, Dr. Deepti Omchery Bhalla.
As Bahrain and India share common values and world vision of unity, peace and harmony, Soorya Bahrain was instrumental to bridging the Inda-Bahrain artistic ocean. KCA feels proud of having associated Soorya’s endeavors.
Kerala Christian Ecumenical Church (KCEC)
Kerala Catholic Association became a member of Kerala Christian Ecumenical Council (KCEC) joining the other four Episcopal churches – Marthoma Parish, St. Mary’s Orthodox church, St. Peter’s Church and CSI Church. KCA took part in fellowship activities organized by KCEC ever since establishing its premises in Segaiya.
Co-ordination Committee of Indian Associations (CCIA)
Under the patronage of Indian Embassy, Indian Associations in the Kingdom formed a Co-ordination Council of Indian Associations (CCIA) in 1996. KCA subscribed to the membership of CCIA and many a time, KCA served in the Executive committee of CCIA, the names of Late Mr. Francis Joseph and Mr. Mathew Joseph as Chairman of CCIA are worth mentioning.
Indian Community Relief Fund (ICRF)
KCA has always supported the Indian Embassy and has been applauded for its efforts to uphold the humanitarian and social values amongst the community.
Under the patronage of the Indian Embassy and the then Ambassador of India, HE Surindar Singh Gill, KCA hosted a Charity Dinner at Sheraton Hotel in 1999 during the Presidentship of Mr. Abraham John to make a donation to ICRF. That was another milestone on the path of charitable activities of KCA. The entire proceeds were donated to the Indian Embassy for ICRF (Indian Community Relief Fund).
KCA’s perfection in all aspects was so laudable that the Indian Embassy honored KCA by citing KCA’s achievement as a role model for other clubs. KCA has always offered a helping hand to the members of the Indian Community at the difficult time in life.
National Day of Bahrain
The whole nation being in a festive mood and spirit of harmony on December 16, the National Day of Bahrain, Kerala Catholic Association took part in the National Day celebrations, organized at Isa Town Stadium by putting up KCA stall and taking out floats in the procession, which won the appreciation of authorities.
Charity Projects
The Executive Committee of Kerala Catholic Association along with its members highly regard their social responsibility to underpin the charity works of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs among the Bahraini community. The participation in charity works by KCA has always been lauded by the authorities.
Cancer Society
Its motto being a good Samaritan, KCA has placed great significance on easing the agony and pain of cancer patients through donations to Cancer Society.
Palestine Aid Charity Bazaar
Humanitarian aid to alleviate the sufferings of Palestinians was the mission of KCA. To participate and contribute to Palestine Aid, a selfless team of KCA members with high input and involvement was formed. The Team’s contribution to the Palestine Aid Charity Bazaar organized by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs in 2002 with the participation of both local and expatriate associations and churches at the Bahrain Exhibition center was highly esteemed by the authorities.
KCA lfthar
KCA has wholeheartedly hosted many lfthar get-togethers in association with Discover Islam to share the values of Muslim fraternity and fellowship with the attendance of many prominent community leaders who advocated similar values of unity and harmony.
Dignitaries Visit to KCA
KCA together with its members have always accorded a warm welcome to the visiting dignitaries and cherished the great memories of their visits. Members have proudly hosted receptions and have acquainted with many great personalities like cine-artists, intellectuals, statesmen, spiritual leaders and so on to acquire knowledge and gain wisdom from them. Many visitors have appreciated the enviable profile of KCA which has been the source of inspiration for its members.
Honoring the Outstanding Members
KCA has always honored its outstanding members for their dedicated services from time to time. The Executive Committee has taken pride in recognizing the selfless services in a befitting manner. In appreciation of their boundless commitment, T K Jose Thottiyan was presented with awards. In 2002, Sevi Mathunny Maliakkal has been accorded with the award of recognition for his outstanding performance and selfless service for the growth of the Association.
Talent Scan
In 2001, with an idea of developing and encouraging the budding talents, the children of KCA members, Johnson Devassy Kaitharath, the then Asst. Secretary took an outstanding interest with the guidance from the Executive committee and conducted various cultural and arts competitions for the children in four age groups at KCA premises under the banner ‘Balakalotsavam’. Tina Mathew was crowned as Kalathilakom and Alexander Babu lrimpan as Kala Prathibha in the award ceremony held at Phoenicia Hotel. The trophies were donated by Mr. Peter Paily.
Next year in 2002, it was exalted to an annual event with a new title ‘Talent Scan’ and the Executive Committee decided to institute two rolling trophies for Kalathilakom and Kalaprathibha. One of the founder members, Mr. Francis Joseph came forward and donated the two rolling trophies. Mr. Jose Francis was made the Convenor of Talent Scan and conducted the competitions with an extra ordinary commitment to KCA.
Cardinal Mar Varkey Vithayathil’s Visit
His Beatitude Cardinal and Major Archbishop Mar Varkey Vithayathil visited the Kingdom of Bahrain and KCA hosted a grand reception to His Beatitude. He celebrated a Holy Mass, organized and assisted by the members of KCA.
Ragam Thanam Pallavi
A Mega Musical Program ‘Ragam Thanam Pallavi’, led by renowned Music Director, Mr. M. Jayachandran, was conducted by KCA Organizers, which was a spectacular event on 30 September 2005 on the Indian School ground. The Program was entertaining to the crowd and beneficial to KCA.
Quiz, India@60
The first ever Quiz titled ‘IndiaA60’ in the Kingdom of Bahrain was organized under the leadership of Mr. Sovichan Chennattusery.
Laughter Club
The first ever Laughter Club in the Kingdom of Bahrain was launched by Mr. P U Devassy and was coordinated by the then General Secretary, Mr. K M Thomas, the Laughter Yoga Ambassador with many laughter yoga exercises.
KCA Laughter Club celebrated World Laughter Day on 1 May 2005 and it was organized by Mr. K M Thomas who became the one and only Laughter Yoga Teacher of Bahrain.
Yoga Classes
The first Yoga Classes for the benefit of KCA Members were conducted at KCA premises by Mr. Bandi Ramulu twice a week and was included in the regular activities of KCA.
Cartoon Workshop
A one-week Cartoon Workshop was conducted by the renowned Cartoonist, Late Mr. Yesudasan. Scores of children attended and benefitted from the workshop by acquiring many techniques of caricaturing and cartoon drawing.
Autumn Fest
The Mega program ‘Autumn Fest 2010’was a run-away success, which was instrumental in generating funds for charitable activities. The crowd that attended the event and the tickets sold out for the show were record high. The success of the program was due to the extreme hard work and selfless dedication of prominent members under the leadership of Mr. Sevi Mathunny. With the successful completion of the program, KCA set another extraordinary example for the ability to manage events in a befitting manner.
Hon. Minister of Kerala, Mr. Jose Thettayil, Prof. Madhusoodanan Nair, Mr. P K Gopi, Mrs. Zulfi and Rev. Dr. Fr. Paul Poovathinkal were the dignitaries who visited KCA on various occasions.
Atlas Guinness Comedy Talkies
A Mega Show ‘Atlas Guinness Comedy Talkies’was organized in association with the Millennium Event Management & Advertising Co., which was staged on 18 May 2012 on The Indian School grounds under the guidance of Program Committee Chairman, Mr. Sevi Mathunny. The Mega Entertainer featured leading crowd-pulling TV Serial artist were flown in from South India. They included Dr. K S Prasad, the popular versatile host of the acclaimed TV show ‘Comediyum, Mimicsum, Pinne Njanum’ and 21 artists from Cochin Guinness team, well known for their comedy programs on Kairali Television and stage.
Bahrain Federation of Expatriate Associations
To facilitate cooperation among civil societies of expatriates, Bahrain’s first expatriate coalition was formed under the auspicious of Ministry of Labour and Social Development and KCA was chosen as one of the 3 founder associations to meet the objectives of the federation.
Thank You Bahrain
A festival ‘Thank You Bahrain’ was organized by Bahrain Federation of Expatriate Associations (BFEA) on 25 January 2013 at National Stadium as a reflection of the cooperation among expatriate communities in solidarity with Bahrain and as an act of gratitude for the warm hospitality and kindness shown by the Bahraini people to the expatriates. The participation and assistance of KCA was exemplary and was greatly appreciated. Being one of the founding members of BFEA, KCA actively participated in the program by putting up a well-designed stall showing the rich Indian tradition and culture, presenting many fabulous performances of KCA children. More than 15000 witnessed the display of some fantastic performances of the children. Many Ambassadors to Bahrain hailed the festival as a genuine translation of cordial bonds between Bahrain and the expatriate communities. Thanks to Mr. Sam Ancil Francis and Mrs. Sherin Francis, who contributed to the success of the program with KCA participation.
Summer Fest
A mega fair ‘Summer Fest – 2013’ was organized and conducted under the guidance of Chairman Mr. Varghese Karakkal on 31st May 2013 at Indian School Grounds. The program featured artists like Mr. Arun Gopan, Ms. Priya Jerson, Mr. Nizar Musthafa, Mr. Kalabhavan Joshi, Mr. Vinod Kedamangalam, Mr. Viju Vithayathil and Mr. Pramod Mala.
KCA Utsav
KCA Utsav 2013 was organized under the aegis of Mr. Roy C. Antony, the Convener and his entire team with the support and cooperation of EC members who actively participated in the conduct of Utsav 2013. The program was launched on 7 June 2013 and was concluded on 14 February 2014. Many of the events were greatly appreciated by the members.
Kerala Chief Minister’s Visit
Hon. Chief Minister of Kerala, Mr. Oomman Chandy and a grand reception was given to him on 28th June 2013 by KCA. Hon. Chief Minister was honoured by Executive Committee and Members for his achievements. Hon. Chief Minister was accompanied by the Minister of Rural Development, Planning & Planning, Mr. K.C. Joseph.
Ona Nilavu
Ona Nilavu 2013 was organized at the Indian School Bahrain on 12 September 2013. The highlights of the program were Ghoshayatra with traditional Maveli, chendamelam, pulikali, kalarippayattu, theyyam (manja kaali), thalappoli; a half-an-hour fusion dance “Ormayile Onam” with Indian traditional dances, performed by around 50 dancers/performers which featured thiruvathira, manja kaali (theyyam) dance, onappattu, nadan pattu; and a traditional Ona Sadya on banana leaf which was served to more than 350 KCA members and invited guests. Prizes to the winners of payasam competition were given away during the function.
Kerala Finance Minister’s Visit
Hon. Minister of Finance, Law and Housing of Kerala, Mr. K.M. Mani was given a grand reception on 14th October 2013.Cine Artist Captain Raju, Managing Director Director Daily Tribune Soman Baby, Chairman & Managing Director of Al Namal & VKL Group Mr. Varghese Kurian, Hon. Chairman of Indian School Bahrain Mr. Abraham John were attended the function.
Oncology Seminar
An Oncology Seminar was organized for the members on 6 February 2014 at KCA premises. Dr. Durga Prasan, MBBS, MD, DNB (Consultant in Medical Oncology, Bahrain Specialist Hospital) created awareness about the prevention of cancer among the members who attended the seminar which was concluded with a one-hour interactive session.
Swaralaya Music Club
A Music Club was formed under the leadership of Mr. Sobin Jose as Convener, Mr. Joy Alex Mathew and Mr. Saji Paul as coordinators and was given the name ‘KCA Swaralaya Music Club’ on 9 May 2018.
The Club was inaugurated on the World Music Day on 21 June 2018 at KCA VKL Auditorium with more than 350 people attending the inaugural ceremony. The main attraction was ‘Paadam Namukku Paadam’, a two-hour non-stop musical night with 47 singers singing 61 songs in Malayalam, Hindi and Tamil languages. It was coordinated by Mr. Sobin Jose and the stage settings were the result of sincere efforts from Mr. Shiju John and Mr. Jose Francis and the lighting arrangements were the fruit of the works from Mr. Sunny Ayiroor. The Chief Guest was Mr. Ambilikkuttan Aravindakshan Nair, famous singer and Managing Director & Principal of IIPA, Bahrain. Swaralaya Music Club was instrumental to the success of many KCA activities.
Photography Club
A Photography Club was formed under the aegis of Mr. Asok Mathew as Convener, Ms. Sithara Thomas and Mr. Augustine Peter as Coordinators on 9 May 2018. A Training on zoom photography was conducted by Hon. Secretary of The Indian School Bahrain, Mr. Saji Antony with a topic ‘Basics of Photography’ on 22 June 2018 for several KCA members who attended the training course with great enthusiasm.
KCA Zoom Photography Club was supported by other key members like Mr. Manoj Mathew, Mr. Jayakumar P S, Mr. Joby George and Mr. Babu Varghese. The club has covered almost all the activities of KCA. The Club conducted several further training classes and many members availed the opportunity to learn the basics of photography. Thanks to Hon. Secretary of The Indian School Bahrain Mr. Saji Antony.
Drama Club
A Drama Club was kicked off under the direction of Mr. Thomas John as Convener and Mr. Sunny Airoor, Mr. Roy C. Antony and Mr. Shiju John as Coordinators. The drama club was inaugurated on 5 July 2018. A drama ‘Peythozhinja Poomazha’, directed by Mr. Renji Mathew and written by Mr. Jijo Valanjavattam was staged with technical assistance from Mr. Thomas John, Mr. Roy C. Antony, Mr. Shiju John and Ms. Nirmala Joseph. The artists were Anil Issac, Shainy Nithyan, Biju Joseph, Saji Paul, Thomas Chiramel, Simi Leo, Rose Joyal Jose and Needhumol Thomas.
KCA Drama Club has presented several quality Dramas and Skits which was well appreciated by the KCA Members and the club leaders were congratulated for their wonderful support.
Some of the dramas enacted under the initiative of the club were ‘Peythozhinja Poomazha’, directed by Mr. Renji Mathew and team, ‘Aardratheeram’, directed by Mr. Shiju John, and ‘Snehasparsham’, directed by Mr. Roy C. Antony during the first year itself. During the tenure 2019-2020, the club organized three more dramas — ‘Athijeevanam’, directed by Mr. Baby Kuttan, ‘Gathsamen’, directed by Mr. Thomas John and ‘Koottukudumbam’, directed by Mr. Saji Louis – all as part of Sargotsav.
Core Working Group
A Core Working Group was formed with Mr. Varghese Karakkal as Chairman and K.E Richard as Vice Chairman during the Annual General Meeting held on 8th May 2018. The CWG worked as the back bone and has marked its presence with its active participation in all the activities and programmes of KCA.
The Core Working Group under the direction of the Chairman, Mr. Varghese Karakkal and team worked as the back born of the EC and has marked its presence with its active participation in all the activities and programmes of KCA. Congratulations to the team members. EC extended special thanks to Mr. Joby George for his outstanding contributions for all the programs throughout the year.
Charity wing
A Charity wing was formed under the direction of Mr. Francis Kaitharath as Convener, Mr. Babu Varghese and Mr. Thomas George Kalapurackal as Committee Members to construct and hand over a villa to the needy, to help the physically challenged members in the society of Bahrain and to reach out to the victims with humanitarian aids during a natural calamity.
Adv. Mons Joseph, MLA Kaduthuruthy and former PWD Minister, Kerala State visited Bahrain and graced the investiture ceremony of the Executive Committee as the Chief Guest for the term 2018- 2020 on 30 April 2018 at KCA VKL Auditorium. Dr. John Panackal delivered the Easter message and Dr Babu Ramachandran, ICRF Chairman, IMA Bahrain Chapter President, Sr. Resident Doctor and In-charge of American Mission Hospital felicitated the new Committee headed by Mr. Sevi Mathunny.
KCA organized a visit to the Labour Camp in Manama and the Labour Camp of Switchgear & Lighting in Tubli on 1 May 2018 on the occasion of Labour Day. Adv. Mons Joseph along with KCA officials met the migrant workers in the camps.
Under the initiative of Mr. Francis Kaitharath as Convenor, the Charity Wing planned several charitable
activities as part of celebrating the Golden Jubilee Year. KCA made a donation of 25 wheel chairs to Bahrain Mobility International to help the weaker section of the society in Bahrain. KCA in association with Nazareth Charitable Trust constructed and provided a Golden Jubilee Charity Villa to the needy near Angamali for which the foundation stone was laid on 9 September 2019 at Grace Nagar, Vathakkad, Thuravoor Panjayath.
Mr. Aruldas Thomas came forward to donate a dialysis unit for the needy.
Nurses’ Day and Mothers’ Day
On the occasion of celebrating Nurses’ Day and Mothers’ Day on 17 May 2018, around 30 nurses were honoured with mementos and gifts in appreciation of their dedicated services. Mothers were also honoured by highlighting the significant role of the mothers in the family and their invaluable services and selfless sacrifices they make for the society. There were many cultural and entertainment programs followed by a skit. During the program, Principal & Director of New Horizon School, Mrs. Nirmala Jose delivered a key note address on Mothers’ Day and Nurses’ Day.
Swaramadhuram Carnatic Music Concert
KCA organized a Carnatic Music Concert under the banner ‘Swaramadhuram’ on 18th May 2018 at KCA premises and the star of the evening was Ms. Vidya Viswanath, a well-known vocalist in Carnatic music.
KCA Children’s Wing organized the spectrum of music and dance program named, ‘Rainbow’ on 14 June 2018 at KCA VKL Auditorium. Many budding artists who had participated in Talent Scan and the program featured 16 songs, 3 group dances and one dubsmash with 40 budding stars. Mr. Jose Francis was the coordinator of the program.
Training on Sound System
A Training session on Sound System was conducted by famous Sound Engineer Mr. Jose Francis on 12 June 2018 at KCA premises.
Kerala Flood Charity
The natural calamity of flood that devastated millions of lives in Kerala in 2018 was a disaster that required emergency financial aid from all over the world. KCA members raised charity fund and donated Rs. 100,000/- to the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund to support the victims under the initiative of the Charity Wing Convener, Mr. Francis Kaitharath.
A Tribute to Violinist Balabhaskar
A Condolence Gathering was organized in association with 4PM News and a Musical Tribute was paid to the famous Violinist Bhalabhaskar under the banner ‘ORMAKKAY’ on 9 October 2018 at VKL Auditorium.
Medical Symposium
A Medical Symposium was conducted in association with Cancer Care Group, and Aster on ‘Management of Brain Tumours, Neurology’ on 11 October 2018 at KCA VKL Auditorium. Dr. Dilip Panikar MBBS MS M.Ch. spoke on ‘Current Practices in the Management of Brain Tumours’. Dr Mohamed Elmahdi Ibrahim spoke on ‘Management of Stroke and Services’. Dr P V Cheriyan, President of CCG/BCS & Medical Doctor to HRH Prime Minister, Bahrain was the Moderator for the Symposium.
Workshop on Stained Glass Painting Techniques
A Workshop was organised under the direction of Mrs. Juliet Thomas on ‘Techniques of Stained Glass Painting on Acrylic Sheet’ on 25 October 2018 at KCA VKL Auditorium and around 150 ladies participated. Ms. Sameera Rasheed who has vast experience in the field was the trainer.
Family Health Seminar on Art of Life
A seminar on Family Health Seminar on Art of Life was conducted by Fr. Peter Thiruthanathil on 11 December 2018 at KCA premises.
Karate Classes
Karate Classes have been an ongoing activity for decades under the guidance of Karate Teacher, Mr. Mustaffa.
Golden Jubilee Celebration of KCA
KCA Celebrated Golden Jubilee with 1 Year of Programs

Golden Jubilee Celebration
In the fullness of 50 Years of its peaceful existence in the Kingdom of Bahrain, a Golden Jubilee Celebrations Committee was formed under the leadership of Mr. Abraham John as the Chairman. As part of the celebration, a Logo design competition was conducted which was open to all residents in Bahrain. Mr. Alexander George’s design was selected as the winning design and the winner was honoured during the Inaugural Ceremony of the Golden Jubilee Celebrations. The logo of Golden Jubilee Celebration was released on 14 February 2019 at KCA-VKL Auditorium.
Golden Jubilee Charity Banquet was organized on 14 March 2019 at Sofitel Bahrain Zallaq Thalassa Sea & Spa under the leadership of Charity Wing Convener Mr. Francis Kaitharath. Chief Guest of the program was ICRF Chairman Mr. Aruldas Thomas. More than 500 people attended the Charity Banquet including a substantial number of KCA members and the program went well. Mr. Abraham John Golden Jubilee Chairman, Mr. Varghese Karakkal Core Working Group Chairman, Mr. P P Chakkunny, Mr. Aruldas Thomas, Mr. Joby George, Mr. Augustine Peter, Mr. Raju P Joseph and Mr. Philip John supported the program.
KCA — Magnum Imprint Sargotsav 2019 was a prelude to the Golden Jubilee Fest. It featured an annual festival of art, literary and sports competitions. The exclusive competitions were conducted for its members and associate members in April, May and June 2019. These competitions were aimed at rejuvenating the membership, promoting the participation and lifting the team spirit.
Sargotsav Organizing Committee was formed with Mr. Shiju John as Convener, Mr. Roy C Antony as Joint Convener, Mr. Joshi Vithayathil, Mrs. Juliet Thomas, Mrs. Shirly Antony, and Mrs. Julie Shiju as Coordinators, Mr. Manoj Mathew, Mr. Renjith Thomas, Mr. Thomas Puthenveedan, Mr. Ashok Mathew, Mrs. Maggie Varghese and Ms. Aimee Shaji as Members. Four houses – Red Bulls, Green Army, Blue Boxers and Orange Heroes were formed with Mr. Renji Mathew, Mr. Anil Isaac, Mr. Thomas John and Mr. K E Richard as Captains.
Golden Jubilee Inauguration and Easter celebration
KCA Golden Jubilee Inauguration along with the Easter celebration was held on 3 May 2019 at Golden Tulip Hotel. The chief guest of the program was Shri P J Joseph, MLA of Thodupuzha and former Minister of Kerala. He inaugurated the Golden Jubilee celebrations by lighting the lamp in the presence of Rilla Club Secretary Mr. Abdulla Ali Dossari, Sacred Heart Church Malayalam Community Spiritual Director & Assistant Vicar Rev. Fr. Saji Thomas, Vice President of Bahrain Mobility International Mr. Ali Abdul Aziz, ICRF Chairman Mr. Aruldas Thomas and KCA Officials and Members. Many dignitaries and representatives from various clubs and associations were present during the function. A lot of cultural programs were lined up to mark the occasion.
On the occasion, Golden Excellence Business Award was given to Director and CEO of Almoayyed Contracting Co. Mr. M.T. Mathews, in recognition for his business leadership and community services over five decades. KCA Man of Inspiration Award 2019 (an accolade of Kaleidoscopic Inspiration) was bestowed on CEO of Unitag and Group Companies Mr. Chakkunny Poulo Parakkadan, for his creative spirit of inspiration and the unending source of inspiration to our community. KCA Service Excellence Award 2019 was bestowed on Dr P.V. Chariyan in recognition of his relentless service in the medical field.

Mega Dandiya
As a curtain-raiser to the Golden Jubilee Celebrations, KCA Ladies Wing organized a Mega Dandiya with a participation of around 140 ladies on 4 April 2019 on KCA grounds. Subsequent to the mega dandiya, a ‘Shawl Pinnal dance’ was also staged. This mesmerizing dance program was coordinated by Mrs. Juliet Thomas. The Chief Guest for the above program was Chief Editor of Salam Bahrain Mrs. Meera Ravi.
KCA – Magnum Imprint Sargotsav
As part of the Golden Jubilee festivities, KCA—Magnum Imprint Sargotsav 2019 was conducted with many art, literary and sports competitions. These exclusive competitions were open to KCA members and associate members and were conducted during the months of April, May and June 2019. The objectives of these competitions were to rejuvenate membership and to promote team spirit among the members and to keep the premises live.
A committee was formed for Sargotsav 2019 under the leadership of Mr. Shiju John as Convener and Mr. Roy C. Antony as Joint Convener.
In order to conduct the program, 4 houses were formed with captains, and the members were divided into four houses by lot.
The Grand Inauguration of the KCA—Magnum Imprint Sargotsav 2019 was held at KCA premises on 11th April 2019 with a variety of cultural programs like chendamelam, ghoshayatra and march past by house members. The Chief Guest of the Inauguration was the Indian School Chairman Mr. Prince S Natarajan and Guest of Honour was the Director of Magnum Imprint Mr. Jagdish Sivan. The main attractions of the program were the mesmerizing performances by the 4 houses. They performed a fusion music and dance, cinematic spoof, skit and mini dance drama. Sargotsav flag hoisting ceremony was held in the presence of the chief guest and KCA President — Mr. Sevi Mathunny hoisted the flag. The captains saluted the chief guest and hoisted the house flags and the President read out the Pledge of the Sargotsav.
The colourful Award Ceremony of KCA — Magnum Imprint Sargotsav 2019 was held along with the Grand Finale of KCA Onam Ponnonam 2019 at KCA VKL Auditorium on 20 September 2019 with a variety of cultural programs and chendamelam. The famous lyricist, director, producer, and screenwriter in Malayalam cinema Shri Sreekumaran Thampi was the chief guest of the program was and Operation Manager of Magnum Imprint Mr. Jagdish S. Nair and the Director of Indian Delights Restaurant Mr. Antony Roch, and the Executive Director and General Manager of UAE Exchange Mr. Akash Nainwal were the guests of honour.
A memento was presented to Mr. Sreekumaran Thampi as a token of appreciation for his visit to KCA, Bahrain. Mementos were presented to the main supporters of Magnum Imprint and UAE Exchange.
More than 800 trophies and medals were distributed to the winners and around 350 members and their families attended the program.
KCA Golden Jubilee Finale
Golden Jubilee Committee had decided to celebrate the KCA Golden Jubilee Finale on 28 March 2020 at 7.30m at Crowne Plaza. To celebrate the Jubilee, hectic preparations were made under the aegis of the Chairman Mr. Abraham John. To release a Golden Jubilee Souvenir, KCA history from 2003 to 2022, the photos of KCA members and their families along with a directory would be printed.
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